Frequently asked questions
List frequently asked questions in an accordion layout
Block names
, t2/faq-item
, t2/faq-item-post
Properties (t2.json)
Override the default innerblock template.
Allowed inner blocks
Show a FAQ item in the Table of Content.
Add a FAQ post type and a post insert block.
Enables a FAQ title HTML tag toolbar.
Icon size.
Icon used when the accordion item is closed. The icon need to be registered as a T2 icon.
Icon used when the accordion item is open. The icon need to be registered as a T2 icon.
Style properties
Heading color
- --t2-faq-color-heading
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.color.heading
- Default: inherit
Icon color
- --t2-faq-color-icon
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.color.icon
- Default: currentColor
Heading font family
- --t2-faq-typography-heading-font-family
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.typography.heading-font-family
- Default: inherit
Heading font size
- --t2-faq-typography-heading-font-size
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.typography.heading-font-size
- Default: 1.125em
Heading font weight
- --t2-faq-typography-heading-font-weight
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.typography.heading-font-weight
- Default: 700
Heading line-height
- --t2-faq-typography-heading-line-height
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.typography.heading-line-height
- Default: 1.5
Item border
- --t2-faq-item-border
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.item-border
- Default: thin
Item padding
- --t2-faq-item-padding
- Default: 1rem
Base margin
- --t2-faq-spacing-margin
- Default: 1.75em
Item margin
- --t2-faq-spacing-item-margin
- Theme.json: wp.custom.t2-faq.spacing.item-margin
- Default: 0
Adding a custom action
You can add a custom actions to the FAQ block by using the beforeFaqOpen
, beforeFaqClose
or the afterFaqClose
function. These function
takes a callback that will be called when the FAQ block is opens/closes. The
callback will receive the FAQ panel and trigger element as parameters.
The callback should return a promise that resolves when the close action is
window.beforeFaqClose((panel) => new Promise((resolve) => {
const animation = panel.animate(
[{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }],
{ duration: 200, easing: 'ease-in-out' },
animation.onfinish = resolve;