T2 Background Media Supports

Adds custom support for background media. For supported blocks, it adds
a MediaReplacer control to BlockControls in the block editor and enables
authors to pick an image or video from the media library.

The selected media covers the complete block background. Authors can also
set the media focal point and add an overlay color.

link Example 1: Support for your own blocks


	"$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json",
	"apiVersion": 3,
	"name": "t2/section",
	"title": "Section",
	"description": "Group your article into content sections",
	"category": "design",
	"supports": {
		"t2BackgroundMedia": true

link Example 2: Support for other blocks

You can also add support for core and external blocks in t2.json


	"t2/background-media": {
		"blocks": [