
Build articles using visually distinct storytelling

Last modified: April 18, 2023

link Extension name


link Block names

t2/story, t2/story-chapter, t2/story-cover, t2/story-hero, t2/story-gallery,

link Notes for use in projects

link Properties (t2.json)

link Styling

link Theme.json values

Name Function Default css-variable
story-hero-heading Sets the fontsize for hero heading clamp(2.5rem, 6vw, 26rem) --t2-story-hero-heading / --wp--custom--t-2-story--hero-heading
story-gallery-horizontal-margin Sets the distance between images, should be relative 10vw --t2-story-gallery-horizontal-margin / --wp--custom--t-2-story--gallery-horizontal-margin
story-gallery-figure-height Sets the gallery figure height 40vh --t2-story-gallery-figure-height / --wp--custom--t-2-story--gallery-figure-height
story-gallery-figure-width Sets the gallery figure width auto --t2-story-gallery-figure-width / --wp--custom--t-2-story--gallery-figure-width
story-body Sets the fontsize for hero chapters 1.2rem --t2-story-hero-body / --wp--custom--t-2-story--body
story-bg Set the story background color #fff --t2-story-hero-bg / --wp--custom--t-2-story--bg

link Styling tips and tricks