Utility functions

link Classnames utils

Conditionally join classnames together.
Function takes any number of arguments and returns a string containing space-separated class names.

Example one:

 * @param mixed ...$args Arguments.
 * @return string Classnames
use function T2\Utils\classnames;

$class_names = 'foo bar baz';
$class_names = classnames( 't2-block', $class_names );

Example two:

 * @param mixed ...$args Arguments.
 * @return string Classnames
use function T2\Utils\classnames;

$color = 'red';
$size = 'large';
$is_active = true;
$is_disabled = false;

$class_names = classnames(
        'button--color' => $color,
        'button--size' => $size,
        'button--active' => $is_active,
        'button--disabled' => $is_disabled,
            'icon__inner--small' => $size === 'small',

echo $class_names;

// Output: button button--color-red button--size-large button--active button--icon icon icon--close icon__inner icon__inner--small

link Attributes utils

Creates a valid id attribute based on a string.

Example usage:

 * @param string $string String to create id from.
use function T2\Utils\id_attribute;

function render( array $attributes, string $content ): string {
	$args = [
		'title'               => $attributes['title'],

	$button_id   = $args['id'] ?? id_attribute( $args['title'] );
	$panel_id    = id_attribute( 'accordion-panel' );

	// Rest of the code...

link Array to attrs

Build attribute strings from associative array.
This function takes an array of HTML attributes and their values, sanitizes them to prevent malicious input, and returns a string of properly formatted HTML attribute-value pairs.

Example usage:

 * @param array $attributes Attributes.
use function T2\Utils\array_to_attrs;

$my_array = [
	'aria-label' => 'my-label',
	'class'      => 'custom-class',
	'data-foo'   => 'bar',
	'data-baz'   => 'qux',
	'disabled'   => true,

echo array_to_attrs($attributes);
// Output: aria-label="my-label" class="custom-class" data-foo="bar" data-baz="qux" disabled="1"

// Omit false values by setting second argument to true. (E.g. disabled="false" would give an unexpected result)
echo array_to_attrs( [
	'type'     => 'button',
	'class'    => 'wp-element-button',
	'disabled' => false,
	'data-id'  => 1,
], true );
// Output: type="button" class="wp-element-button" data-id="1"

link Array to style

Build a style attribute string from an associative array.
This function takes an array of CSS properties and their values, and returns a properly formatted CSS string.
The returned CSS string is escaped with esc_attr() by default, but this can be disabled.

Example usage:

 * @param array $styles Css styles.
use function T2\Utils\array_to_style;

$styles = [
	'color'   => '#fff',
	'padding' => (string) 0,
	'margin'  => '2rem',

echo array_to_style( $styles );
// Output: color: #fff; padding: 0; margin: 2rem;

link Array merge values

The function takes any number of arrays as input parameters and returns a new array that contains only the unique values from all the input arrays.

Example usage:

 * @param array ...$arrays Arrays to merge.
use function T2\Utils\array_merge_values;

$array1 = [ "apple", "banana", "orange", "peach" ];
$array2 = [ "orange", "peach", "grapefruit", "mango" ];
$array3 = [ "mango", "papaya", "banana", "kiwi" ];

$result = array_merge_values( $array1, $array2, $array3 );
// Output: Array ( [0] => apple [1] => banana [2] => orange [3] => peach [4] => grapefruit [5] => mango [6] => papaya [7] => kiwi )

link String to array

The function takes a string and returns an array with non-empty and unique entries.
The string separator is a comma by default, but can be any character.

Example usage:

 * @param mixed  $value A string to be converted.
 * @param string $separator The string separator.
use function T2\Utils\string_to_array;

print_r( string_to_array( 'left, center, right' ) );
// Output: Array ( [0] => left [1] => center [2] => right )

print_r( string_to_array( 'left, center, right, left, ' ) );
// Output: Array ( [0] => left [1] => center [2] => right )

print_r( string_to_array( 'left|center|right', '|' ) );
// Output: Array ( [0] => left [1] => center [2] => right )

link Settings Page helper class

With the T2\Utils\Settings_Page helper class, creating a WordPress admin settings page
is fast and easy. First, you register a new settings page, and then you add option fields to it.
Option fields are grouped into sections.

link Example usage:

add_action( 'admin_menu', function (): void {
	$page = \T2\Utils\Settings_Page::register_page( 'dekode-starter-theme', [
		'page_title'      => __( 'Starter Theme settings', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'menu_title'      => __( 'Starter Theme', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'parent_slug'     => 'options-general.php', // This is the default value.
		'capability'      => 'manage_options',      // This is the default value.
		'plugin_basename' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), // Adds a plugin action link to the settings page.
	] );

	$page->add_section( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'label'       => __( 'Add a section with add_section()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'This is a section description.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_number( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_01',
		'label'       => __( 'add_number()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'default'     => 123,
		'description' => __( 'This is a number field.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_text( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_02',
		'label'       => __( 'add_text()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'default'     => __( 'The default value', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'This is a text field.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_password( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_03',
		'label'       => __( 'add_password()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'default'     => 'something',
		'description' => __( 'This is a password field.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_radio( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_04',
		'terms'       => [ 'hello' => 'Hello', 'world' => 'World' ],
		'default'     => 'world',
		'label'       => __( 'add_radio()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'These are radio buttons.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_checkbox( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_05',
		'default'     => 1,
		'label'       => __( 'add_checkbox()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'This is a checkbox field. Values are stored a 1 or 0 (not true or false)', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_multibox( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_06',
		'terms'       => [ 'option1' => 'Option 1', 'option2' => 'Option 2', 'option3' => 'Option 3' ],
		'default'     => [ 'option1', 'option3' ],
		'label'       => __( 'add_multibox()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'Select none, one or multiple options.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_dropdown( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_07',
		'terms'       => [ 'option1' => 'Option 1', 'option2' => 'Option 2', 'option3' => 'Option 3' ],
		'default'     => 'option2',
		'label'       => __( 'add_dropdown()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => __( 'This is a select field.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

	$page->add_list( [
		'section'     => 'your_prefix_section_01',
		'option'      => 'your_prefix_option_08',
		'default'     => [ 'List item 1', 'List item 2', 'List item 3', 'List item 4', 'List item 5' ],
		'label'       => __( 'add_list()', 'your-text-domain' ),
		'description' => [
			__( 'This fields lets you add, edit and remove list items, i.e. urls.', 'your-text-domain' ),
			__( 'The list items are stored in an array.', 'your-text-domain' ),
	] );

link Setting page

Settings Page screenshot